Huruma Orphanage

First cooking class at Huruma
First cooking class at Huruma
Cooking classes continue at Huruma Children's Centre
Cooking classes continue at Huruma Children's Centre

In 2020, Terrawatu began cultivating a relationship with another orphanage in the region - Huruma Children’s Centre - that is under the loving guardianship of Mama Eusebia Paul Masawe. We began by advising Huruma on permaculture techniques on their farm and assisting in upgrading their kitchen facilities. In 2021 we introduced cooking classes by combining traditional foods with modern nutritional science. As part of the Chakula na Dawa Usalama (CNDU) Project, these efforts aim to improve the health of both the children and the natural environment while being educational and fun.

Terrawatu Board Member Chef Namaste Natallia Clancy visited Tanzania in late 2021 and taught cooking classes at Huruma utilizing the recipe book she crafted in collaboration with Project Director Angella Marcel and Co-Director Dr. Tanya. The recipes utilize ingredients easily grown or obtained from local markets in the Arusha region, are fun to make, and nutritiously delicious to eat. Chef Namaste continues to create recipes and Angella oversees monthly cooking classes at Huruma so that the children integrate the new recipes into their meal plans. In the near-term, the intention is to host a farmer’s market at the Children’s Centre to generate income and teach business development skills.

Several children at Huruma are sponsored by Terrawatu supporters. Children that are excelling in their studies are matched with sponsors who support their schooling and daily living expenses.

Click here to make a secure online donation to support a child at Huruma Children's Centre.